Events 2024
So far we have the following dates for 2024:
Saturday 20 January Tudor Winter Series (1)
Saturday 17 February Tudor Winter Series (2)
Saturday 16 March Tudor Winter Series (3)
Saturday 30 March (TBC) Cancelled Random Racing Regatta-Northney Marina, Hayling Island, a chance to row pilot gigs, Celtic longboats, solent galleys and our Bursledon gigs. We will need to tow one or two boats. Further details to follow. A great day on the water, with other rowers from our local clubs. All are welcome to join in, whether a new rower or experienced rower. Need experienced coxes too!
Easter Monday (1 April) Litter Pick- meet at 1400. Row upriver, stopping off at BBQ beach etc. Litter pickers and black sacks provided. Bring gloves and wear footwear for getting in and out of boats on the river bank.
Friday 19 April- Friendly Friday at Tudor Sailing Club. Meet at Tudor at 1800 (Eastern Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5LY). A chance to row with people from other clubs in Bursledon Gigs- an evening of informal racing, names are drawn out of the hat. It's a very relaxed evening and everyone is welcome to join in, whether you have just joined the club or are established members of the club. There is a bar and food afterwards and trophies for the first boat back and the last. Usually open to5 or 6 members from the club. Arrangements will be made nearer the time.
Saturday 27 April- Expedition Row- Beaulieu- needs finalising and will need people willing to tow, for this to go ahead.
Saturday 11 May Hamble River Raid one to put in the diairies asap! A race from Hamble to the Jolly and back to Hamble. Lots of trophies to be won and a good event for all!
Saturday 25 May Expedition Row- Gosport to Portchester. Need people to tow in order for this to go ahead.
Friday 31 May Friendly Friday at Tudor Sailing Club ( details above under 19 April)
8 June Bembridge Gig Fest (TBC) we haven't been before, need to get a gig to Bembridge on the Isle of Wight. So need some one to tow or we could row over. We need someone to co ordinate the event. We will leave it for this year. June is looking very busy!
Saturday 15 June Cockleshell Challenge A seven mile race from Eastney, along Southsea seafront and back via Horse Sand fort. It takes around 11/2 hours- maybe a bit more depending on the conditions on the day. We will need people to tow, if we are going to take part. Eastney Sailing Club are the hosts, so there are good launching facilities, a subsidised bar, excellent breakfasts and a good view from the clubhouse.
Friday 28 June Friendly Friday at Tudor Sailing Club ( details above under 19 April)
Saturday 29 June Itchenor, Chichester Harbour Expedition. Need people to tow for this to go ahead.
Tuesday 16 July Botley Curry Row - evening row to Botley for a meal, row back in the dark.
Sunday 21 July Round Hayling Race- a tough 13 mile row round Hayling Island (Dates and timings TBC)- will need to tow boats there to participate.
Friday 26 July Friendly Friday at Tudor Sailing Club ( details above under 19 April)
Saturday 27 July Christchurch Harbour Expedition Row. Need people to tow for this to go ahead.
Saturday 3 August Tudor Challenge more details here If you are interested keep an eye on whatsapp- and we will need people to tow too.
Friday 30 August Friendly Friday at Tudor Sailing Club ( details above under 19 April)
Saturday 7 September provisional date for the Regatta.
Saturday 7 September Head of the Ouse Race, Newhaven.
Saturday 21 September Great River Race more details here- will need people who are willing to tow, in order for us to participate. A 21 mile row/race through London from the Docklands to Ham. There are usually over 200 fixed seat rowing boats and it is just the best way to see London!
25-30 September - 5 Miles from Home a global virtual challenge, that we complete on the river. We can be part of an international event, without having to leave the river! Further information can be found by clicking on this link: We have to row 5 miles on the Hamble between the dates above, and submit our times online to be part of the challenge. The organisers post the results, after the weekend.
Saturday 5 October Ashlett Creek expedition. Row from the Jolly, across Southampton Water to Ashlett Creek.
20 October Head of the Harbour (TBC) approx 5 mile row/race from Northney Marina, Hayling Island to Hayling Island Sailing Club. Will need to tow to participate.
Events 2023
So far we have the following dates for events- more dates and information will be added through the year.
15 January Tudor Winter Cup a series of three events/ races hosted by Tudor Rowing. 10am start, dates and times are provisional and more details will be available in early December.
12 February Tudor Winter Cup. 2pm start.
21 February HRRC AGM 7pm at the GAF Centre, Bursledon. More details in January 2023.
25 March Random Rowing Regatta- Northney Marina, Hayling Island, a chance to row pilot gigs, Celtic longboats, solent galleys and our Bursledon gigs. We will need to tow one or two boats. Further details to follow. A great day on the water, with other rowers from our local clubs. Postponed due to the forecast of strong winds.
18 March Tudor Winter Cup 1300 for 1400 start.
Good Friday (7 April) Easter Egg hunt (upriver)
8 April Coastal Rowing Open Day
Sparkes Marina, 38 Wittering Rd, Hayling Island PO11 9SR from 10-16.00; you can just turn up if you're interested in having a go in a coastal rowing boat.
Saturday 8 April The Wombles Cup – we have been invited by Tudor to join in their first Womble Cup.
It will be an opportunity to row in Langstone Harbour, it isnt a race, just a fun day out on the water, collecting “things that the everyday folk leave behind” (in a safe way). Three hours, then back to the club house for judging. The briefing will be around 10.30, on the water for 11.00.
11 April In Our Element talk at GAF. Evening talk but time and details TBC.
Come along and find out more about Hollie's Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge that she and her team completed in January.
22 April Chichester Yacht Club Rowing Regatta- we will need to tow boats to take part.
28 April Friendly Friday at Tudor Sailing Club- usually need to be there at 1800 this has been opened up to all the local clubs, we can send 5 people to take part each time. A very social evening with a little race, food and a bar. No towing required!
Monday 8 May Coronation Weekend postponed due to poor weather forecast- wet and possibly windy!
Meet at The Jolly at 0930, row upriver and do our now annual Litter Pick on the half tide stand between 10 and 1130. Row on upriver to have a picnic.
20 May Hamble River Raid- one to put in the diairies asap! A race from Hamble to the Jolly and back to Hamble. Lots of trophies to be won and a good event for all!
26 May Friendly Friday at Tudor Sailing Club
3 and 4 June Bembridge GigFest- we haven't been before, need to get a gig to Bembridge on the Isle of Wight. So need some one to tow or we could row over with Tudor. We need someone to co ordinate the event.
3 and 4 June Fareham Regatta an event for all rowers in the club. We row gigs provided by the organisers- so an easy event to take part in. We have crews who take part in knock out rounds on Saturday and who usually progress through to the finals on Sunday. No need to attend both days, we make our crews from who is available on each day.
11 June Cockleshell Challenge A seven mile race from Eastney, along Southsea seafront and back via Horse Sand fort. It takes around 11/2 hours- maybe a bit more depending on the conditions on the day. We will need people to tow, if we are going to take part. Eastney Sailing Club are the hosts, so there are good launching facilities, a subsidised bar, excellent breakfasts and a good view from the clubhouse. for more details.
Tuesday 13 June Botley Night Row this looks to be the best tide for our traditional night row to Botley. HW 2007 and tidal height is 4.21m. To be arranged.
18 June Round Hayling Island Race A tough 13 mile race/ row around Hayling Island. We will need people willing to tow boats in order to participate.
30 June Friendly Friday at Tudor Sailing Club
1 July Random Rowing Regatta- Cancelled Northney Marina, Hayling Island, a chance to row pilot gigs, Celtic longboats, solent galleys and our Bursledon gigs. We will need to tow one or two boats. Further details to follow. A great day on the water, with other rowers from our local clubs. Arrival 0800, Rowing is between 0900 to 1200.
9 July Mercury Creek Row a gentle late afternoon row down river to Mercury Creek. Leave The Jolly approx 1630. Picnic at the Creek ( all TBC)
Postponed Saturday 22 July Row across Southampton Water to Ashlett Creek. Will be weather dependent and will need to have enough confident coxes..
28 July Friendly Friday at Tudor Sailing Club
30 July Bosham Rowing Regatta
Information from last year's Regatta can be found here
A fun morning of rowing followed by a BBQ on the terrace.
The spirit of the day is fun on the water (and back in the bar also).
Races will start from Bosham Quay and courses will be set subject to the conditions of the day. We hope to run a series of 3 races, and allow time for crews to change between the races if competitors / clubs wish to share the joy.
Provisional Timings. Sunday 30th July 2023
0830 Coxswain briefing
0900 to 1200 Racing (from Bosham Quay)
Please hold the date. Entry will be via the Bosham Sailing Club Website nearer the time.
Tuesday 1 August Moonlight Row to Warsash (TBC) weather dependent!
19 August Tudor Challenge a 10 mile race around Langstone Harbour, there will be a theme, they are planning a day of food and fun for rowers and their families.
25 August Friendly Friday at Tudor Sailing Club
Saturday 26 August Swanwick Bursledon and Warsash Regatta. Date Boatyard Sheave Race for Bursledon gigs. Morer details on the regatta website here
16 September Great River Race A 21 mile row/race through London from the Docklands to Ham. There are usually over 300 fixed seat rowing boats and it is just the best way to see London! The following website gives a good indication of what the race is like Towers and shore support are needed for us to participate.
27 September to 1 October Five Miles from Home Virtual Challenge
After a successful event in 2022, the virtual 5 miles from home challenge is taking place again in 2022. A couple of crews took part in 2022 and enjoyed being part of an international event, without having to leave the river! Further information can be found by clicking on this link: We have to row 5 miles on the Hamble between the dates above, and submit our times online to be part of the challenge. The organisers post the results, after the weekend.
1 October Three Three Harbours Head of the Harbour Regatta a new event, a 8km row from Northney Marina on Hayling Island to Hayling Island Sailing Club. We will need to tow boats to take part. Awaiting on confirmation, then details will be shared on the club WhatsApp .
Itchenor Sailing Club Random Regatta Date TBA
14 October Head of the Ouse we need to go back and defend our trophies. A ladies race from Newhaven to Lewes (about 6 miles) and a Mens/Open race back. Timed so that the tide is with us each way-a long day out, but worth it. Need people to tow in order to participate.
Events 2022
After a successful event in 2021, the virtual 5 miles from home challenge is taking place again in 2022. A couple of crews took part in 2021 and enjoyed being part of an international event, without having to leave the river! Further information can be found by clicking on this link: For us to take part, the tides work well at the following times:
Wednesday 20 April |
1400-1700 |
Thursday 21 April |
1500-1800 |
Friday 22 April |
1600-1900 |
Saturday 23 April |
1700-2000 |
Saturday 19 March 10am to 2pm Random Rowing Regatta organised by Mike Gilbert from the Coastal Rowing Academy. This will be held at Northney Marina, Hayling Island PO11 0NH. The event will be a mixed boat and mixed crew fun event. There will be access to pilot gigs, St Ayles Skiffs, Celtic Longboats, Solent Galleys and FISA Quads for clubs and rowers to take part in some sprint races in Chichester Harbour. This will be a good opportunity for anyone in the club to go along and try out different boats.
More info and
26 March: Invite from Mike Gilbert of the Coastal Rowing Academy
You and all your Club Members are invited to come along on Saturday 26th March 2022; to the Coastal Rowing Academy, Northney Marina, Northney Road, Hayling Island, PO11 0NH at from 12 midday to see and try a Spanish Traineras- a forty foot, thirteen oared rowing boat.
Our guests are bringing a Spanish rowing experience plus tasters of Santander cuisine for us all to enjoy. So please come along and invite your Club members - just rock up and be amazed!
· Introduction to Spanish Coastal Rowing;
· 2pm Arrival of Lady Mayoress of Havant and Consort;
· Welcome Speech to be given by Lady Mayoress;
· 3-4pm Short row around Langstone Harbour with Lady Mayoress as passenger
· Spanish Wine and refreshments from Cantabria available and rowing sessions open to the public.
9 April 2022 Litter Pick rowing upriver from 1300- an experiment!
14 May 2022 Hamble River Raid- one to put in the diairies asap! A race from Hamble to the Jolly and back to Hamble. Lots of trophies to be won and a good event for all!
22 May 2022 Cockleshell Challenge. A seven mile race from Eastney, along Southsea seafront and back via Horse Sand fort. It takes around 11/2 hours- maybe a bit more depending on the conditions on the day. We will need people to tow, if we are going to take part. Eastney Sailing Club are the hosts, so there are good launching facilities, a subsidised bar, excellent breakfasts and a good view from the clubhouse. for more details.
24 May 2022 Botley Curry Row TBA. The tides work for our traditional row to Botley. A great event and very popular with everyone. Great fun rowing back in the dark!
5 June 2022 Platinum Jubilee Picnic an afternoon row upriver, leaving at 1400 on a rising neap tide. Bring your own food and drink.
18 June 2022 Expedition to Beaulieu River this is dependent on people being available to tow.
3 July 2022: Down river picnic
24 June 2022 we have been invited to row with Tudor Rowing Club (part of Tudor Sailing Club - they have a Friday evening row followed by food and drinks. Final details to be confirmed- should be a fun evening and a chance to row in Langstone Harbour. We will be rowing their gigs, so we shouldn't need to tow.
16 and 17 July 2022: Fareham Regatta an event for all rowers in the club. We row gigs provided by the organisers- so an easy event to take part in. We have crews who take part in knock out rounds on Saturday and who usually progress through to the finals on Sunday. No need to attend both days, we make our crews from who is available on each day.
30 July 2022: Chichester Harbour- dependent on how many people are available to tow.
31 July 2022: Round Hayling Race. A tough 13 mile race/ row around Hayling Island. We will need people willing to tow boats in order to participate.
5 August: Club BBQ
13 August 2022 Tudor Sailing Club Challenge A race in Langstone Harbour, organised by Tudor Rowing Club. Details TBC, but our participation will depend on people being available to tow.
21 August 2022 Expedition to Hill Head Beach-dependent on wind strength.
3rd and 4th September 2022 Swanwick Bursledon and Warsash Regatta. This year the Regatta will be hosted by Warsash Sailing Club. Gig race and rowing races will be on 3 September.
10 September 2022: Great River Race A 21 mile row/race through London from the Docklands to Ham. There are usually over 300 fixed seat rowing boats and it is just the best way to see London! The following website gives a good indication of what the race is like Fingers crossed it goes ahead in 2022. As with the other 'away' rows, our participation will depend on availability of towers and some shore crew, especially at the finish in Ham.
17th September 2022 TBC ( reserve date 24 September) Monster the Loch A possible trip to Scotland. Will need people to tow or find another way to transport the boats for us to participate.
Events 2021
7 December: Christmas Meal at the Jolly. Details have been sent to club members. Please respond by 23 November.
19 October: Supper row to Hamble is fully booked.
We will be having a social evening at the Jolly Sailor on the jetty on Tuesday 25th May. Places are by pre-booking only, and we are already full for this one, because social distancing means that space is limited. However, keep an eye on this page as we hopefully release details of other events, as lockdown eases.
Ocean to City this year is a virtual event. They are running a series called #5 Miles from Home with 5 mile time trials organised by different clubs in Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Our time trial will be on the Hamble. If you want to form a crew you can get more information from http:/
The first leg took place on the weekend of 7-9 May with two crews taking part, rowing a very windy 5 miles on the Sunday morning.
Leg 2 is 4-6 June
Leg 3 is 9-11 July
The following programme assumes that restrictions are lifted from 21 June. More information will be provided nearer the dates. Those in bold are Club events and they are provisional at this stage. They will be confirmed by email and on the website.
Date | Event |
27 June- postponed to 5 September |
Round Hayling Island (13 miles) |
4 July- cancelled |
Cockleshell Challenge (7 miles) |
10 and 11 July- postponed to 4th and 5th September | Fareham Regatta hosted by Fareham Sailing and Motorboat club Click here to find out more about the Fareham sailing and Motorboat Club |
20 July | Curry row to Botley (TBC) |
24 July | Expedition to Christchurch - we are planning to go ahead with this row. Check emails for further details. |
21 August | Expedition to Itchenor - cancelled due to poor weather |
28 August | Bursledon Regatta- Boatyard Sheave Race only. Information has been emailed. |
5 September |
Monster the Loch (21 miles) will be a weekend away at least (TBC) and will be the first time that we have participated. |
19 September | Brunch at the Horse and Jockey |
25 September
Great River Race (21 miles) More information available here. We usually have several club boats take part. It is the best way to see London! |