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- Category: Diary
April 2024
A spiny seahorse was found in the Hamble River estuary, more information on the BBC news website.
Easter Weekend
We had a couple of crews out getting in some training for the Hamble River Raid in May. Our usual Sunday rowing on Easter Sunday. Then on Bank Holiday Monday we headed upriver to do a litter pick. Sadly, we collected a lot of litter, a lot of glass bottles, plastic and polystyrene were the most common form of litter. Thank you to Fareham Borough Council for providing the litter pickers and for collecting the rubbish.
24 March 2024
We launched and named our ‘new to us gig’ Jolly Lobster. The name we chose represents the support we receive from The Jolly Sailor pub in Bursledon and the historical connections with the lobster and crab trade on the Hamble, particularly in Warsash and Hamble.
Night Rowing
Perfect conditions!
March 2024
Spring is coming!
February 2024
Oar refurbishment continues, as does the work on our new gig. More news of the gig to follow! We have been busy planning expedition rows, and there are lots of local events to take part in over the coming months, check out the events page for details.
January 2024
We have been busy refurbishung oars and a 'new to us' Bursledon Gig, as well as getting out on the water on Tuesdays and Sundays.
Christmas 2023
Christmas for Hamble River Rowing started with our traditional Christmas Meal at The Jolly Sailor. We are really appreciative of the support given by the Jolly as the official home of the rowing club! We had a mince pie and mulled wine row upriver, as well as rowing on Christmas Eve, Boxing Day and two further rows on 28 and 29 December. The rows were completely different, on the 28th we managed to find some shelter on the Hamble whilst, out in the Solent Force 7 winds with gusts of force 9 were recorded. On the 29th, after getting soaked at the start of the row, the sun shone, which went some way to drying us!
December News
Rowing continues through the winter, and in addition we are mid way through a much needed refurbishment of our oars, and have been busy working on a 'new to us' Bursledon Gig. When conditions are right, we have had a few night rows, the river has a completely different feel, on our last night row we took some time out to enjoy the night sky!
5 November Fireworks Row after a very wet and windy few days, a few of us ventured out to see what fireworks we could see from the river- not many, but conditions were just perfect for a night row!
5 days in October- sunshine, spring tides, rain and rainbows!
10 October Fish and Chip Supper Row to Hamble
20 members enjoyed a night row and fish and chip supper in Hamble.
30 September Head of the Harbours Race
Two mixed crews took part in this event- a race from Northney Marina to Hayling Island Sailing Club- approximately 5 miles. Many of the rowing clubs and rowing sections of the local sailing clubs were represented. As well as fixed seat rowing boats, there were also several coastal quads taking part. It was a tough row down the harbour against the tide and wind, with excellent coxing, we managed to steer a course that avoided the strongest tide.
This was a first race for one of our members, and understandably they were feeling a bit unsure and said that "Actually rowing was only part of the day, so interesting to go to another place, seeing other boats, and realising how much work and organisation goes into an event. Thank you for changing my mindset and making rowing even better!"
Great results 7th and 18th overall, from a field of 22 boats.
29 September Five Miles From Home
Welsh Sea Rowing in Wales, Scottish Coastal Rowing Association in Scotland and Ocean to City in Ireland joined up again to bring a unique, international, time trial: the 5 Miles From Home Challenge 2023. This year the event was hosted and run by Welsh Sea Rowing in Wales assisted by our friends in Scotland and Ireland.
The challenge can be joined from anywhere in the world, with participants completing the 5 mile course from their home waters. So an opportunity to take part in an international event, without leaving the River Hamble. We had one crew take part this year, we were pleased with our time and celebrated our row with a drink and a meal in the pub afterwards!
16 September Great River Race
I have known Glenna for a lot of years...we went all through school together. Every year Hamble River Rowing club takes part in the Great River Race. This is advertised as the London Marathon for rowers; boats of all shapes and sizes row 21 miles up the River Thames from Millwall to Ham. I always go up to London and stand on Putney Bridge to watch them go through and it is an exciting and fun event with many of the competitors in fancy dress.

July and August News
A mixed bag weather wise, we still managed to get out most weeks for Tuesday and Sunday club rowing, with extra rows when tide and weather were favourable. We have introduced Training Rows, a work in progress, but aimed at providing opportunities for crews to row together and to row greater distances to develop rowing stamina and race technique for those who are keen to race.
We had our usual night Curry Row to Botley, picnics up river and in Mercury Creek. We also had a cloudy, damp moonlight row!
We took part in the Tudor monthly Friendly Friday races, which are great fun and open to anyone who would like to go along. It is a good opportunity to meet rowers from other local clubs.
The Tudor Challenge was in August- it should have been a 10 mile race around Langstone Harbour for fixed seat rowing boats. The course was reduced to 5 miles on the day, due to conditions. It was a challenging race, with some strong tidal currents for the rowers and the cox to deal with on the day. The Hamble crew were a respectable 7th out of 22 crews.
Bank Holiday weekend was the Swanwick, Bursledon and Warsash Regatta. The afternoon events start with the Boatyard Sheave Race, an opportunity for Bursledon gigs to take centre stage at the regatta. The Boatyard Sheave was a tie between The Elephant Boatyard Crew and Freedom (Tudor Sailing Club). Lots of trophies were won by the club, including the Bursledon Blade, the Rose Bowl and fastest overall ladies. This was a huge club effort, with preparing boats, rowing them to and from Warsash and supporting with the running of the regatta in general.
18 June 2023
Cockleshell Challenge
Conditions were good for the Cockleshell Challenge, a 7 mile race for Bursledon Gigs, Pilot Gigs, Celtic Longboats, and Solent Galleys from Eastney Cruising Association. Visibility was reduced for part of the race but the sun was shining by the end! The route takes you along the Southsea Seafront, round Horse Sand Fort and back to Eastney.
Club boats were placed a very respectable 5th and 18th.
More information about the Cockleshell Heroes.
3 and 4 June 2023 The weekend of the Fareham Sailing and Motorboat Club regatta.
We sent 4 crews to this event, the sun shone as it always seems to do at this event, one of the women's crews regained the trophy. An enjoyable weekend, with great hosts.
April Update
April was busy, we had our regular Tuesday and Sunday Club rows as well as many other events too. On Good Friday we went upriver to have an Easter Egg Hunt and picnic, followed by a drink at the Horse and Jockey- the weather was perfect. There were crews out in the sunshine on Easter Sunday, and a crew went out on Easter Monday, and ended up sheltering from the rain and hail under the M27 bridge.
On 11 April, we had a Cheese and Wine evening and Hollie and Rachel gave an entertaining and informative talk about their Atlantic Row, we also raised £142 for the Hamble Lifeboat from the raffle.
We also held two sessions to teach people how to moor and unmoor the gigs and put the covers on and off.
Finally on the last Friday of April, we went to Tudor for their First Friendly Friday of the season. An opportunity to row with members from other rowing clubs.
The next few months look just as busy!
Interesting BBC news article here about a reef that has been laid on the River Hamble, just downstream from where we row. This reef will be the base for an oyster bed as part of a project to restore marine habitats. The GRP Burseldon Gig is based on an oyster dredging punt- known for their stability and seaworthiness.
Tudor Winter Series
The final race in the Tudor Winter Series took place on Saturday 18 March. We were blessed with good weather again for the final race from Tudor Sailing Club round the Mulberry Harbour and back to Tudor via another mark in the Langstone Channel, a bonus for us was seeing the seals on the mud banks on the way out. As always the hot soup and hospitality afterwards were a perfect way to finish the series.
Summary of 2022
We recently held our AGM, thank you to those who are continuing in their committee roles, and to those who have been co opted to the roles of Safety Officer and to lead on looking after our moorings.
Club rowing continued on Tuesdays and Sundays. However, we now row every Tuesday when the tide is in either 1000,1400 or 1800, rather than just on Tuesday evenings. When the weather has been favourable we have had some Tuesday night rows over the winter. This year we are adding in Saturday Club rows.
The Just Row is now established on a Sunday too, this has increased the amount of choice available to club members, whether it is going out on the water for an hour, or to be out longer but with a coffee stop.
Last June, we even managed to maintain club rowing whilst the refurbishment of the Jolly Sailor pontoon took place. We got very good at towing gigs to and from Lands End. Thank you to the Elephant Boatyard who allowed us to keep a gig at their boatyard, which acted as the tow vessel.
Additional rows were arranged on an ad hoc basis, when tides and weather were favourable, including a moonlight row in September. The Boat Booking system is still live and can be used to book rows outside of Club rowing times.
On the river we saw the welcome return of the Hamble River Raid, and a change in venue for the Bursledon Regatta. Both of which we enjoyed taking part in. We also took part in the virtual 5 Miles From Home challenge. A 5 mile time trial on the river.
Our first litter pick was sadly successful, and we collected ten sacks of rubbish in around two hours from the river banks, upstream of Manor Farm. Fareham Borough Council supported the pick by providing equipment and collecting the rubbish afterwards.
Social events included the usual night row to Botley, not a curry this year, but we were warmly welcomed at the Dolphin in Botley, picnic rows, a Club BBQ, and a Quiz night to support Hollie’s Atlantic Row. We also held a New Year meal at the Jolly Sailor in January.
In December, many of us became dot watchers as we followed Hollie’s row across the Atlantic, and watched her arrival via Facebook or YouTube into Antigua. They looked so fresh! You can find out more here including footage of the finish and photos from the row too.
Further afield, but not the Atlantic! We had expedition rows to Beaulieu and Itchenor. The tides and weather enabled us to finally row round to Meon shore. The return row demonstrated how well our boats perform in challenging conditions. These expedition rows are enjoyed by all and give chance to row in other places, and we are as ever grateful to those people who have towbars to enable them to take place!
Regattas and events
There are increasing opportunities to row in regattas and other rowing events which we have taken advantage of. Thank you to the towers who towed boats so that we could take part in them. A popular event was the Random Rowing Regatta organised by the Coastal Rowing Academy, based at Northney Marina, Hayling Island. This was a chance to row other boats such as Solent Galleys and Pilot Gigs.
We took part in the Cockleshell Challenge, Fareham Regatta, Round Hayling Island Race, Tudor Challenge, and the Great River Race. We were invited to take part in the first Head of the Ouse race. For the ladies, this was a 6 mile row upriver from Newhaven to Lewes. Then there was an Open/Men’s race from Lewes back to Newhaven. Hamble River Rowing won both races.
We have developed our links with the Tudor Sailing Club rowing section. The links have included taking part in Friendly Friday, hosting a visit from Tudor, and being able to take part in their Man Overboard training sessions.
Off the water
We now have our logo at Carolines T Shirts in Portswood our logo can be embroidered or vinyl printed on to your own clothes for a very reasonable price. We have spent club funds on covers for the club owned gigs, a new set of eleven foot oars, a new to us gig, and a trailer. We have refitted Rowsie, and carried out a maintenance programme on Gigi and Grace.
24 January 2023
Very proud to share the news that In Our Element crossed the finish line of the Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge in a time of 42 days, 9 hours and 19 minutes!
3 January 2023
We've been busy since the last update, we enjoyed some very warm Autumn days on the Hamble, with rows to Hamble, Botley and to the Horse and Jockey. There have been a few frosty morning rows too. Traditional Christmas Eve and Boxing Day rows also took place.
We had a quiz night in November to raise funds to support Hollie and her crew's Atlantic Row- they are on Day 22, having rowed 1293 nautical miles, with another 1482 to go, so nearly half way! You can follow them on Facebook as well as track the team on the YB tracking app, available from your app store and then follow In Our Element.
We are using the winter time to carry out some much needed maintenance on our boats too as well as plan rows and events for 2023.
A few photos!
1 October: Head of the Ouse
Read about our very successful trip to take part in the Head of the Ouse race on 1 October.
We got a mention on the British Rowing website too!
11 September: Moonlight Row
The weather and the tides were perfect for an impromptu Moonlight Row.
10 September 2022: The Great River Race
Due to the sad news about the death of Queen Elizabeth II, the Great River Race was cancelled as we were in a period of national mourning. It was replaced by the Queen Elizabeth II Memorial River Procession of respect and tribute to the late Queen. We were very proud to be part of this historic event and to give our thanks for her life and service to the nation.
We had two gigs entered and it was the first outing for Rowsie after a major refit. Thank you to Graham for towing, Alan for being our minibus driver and to Hugh, Pat and Lyn for their shore support.
There is some footage of the start and preparations you can spot HRRC at 14 minutes, 19 minutes and 32 minutes into the footage- it was a very muddy launch this year!
The first half of the row was quite choppy- you can see the Bursledon gig start at 35 minutes, then HRRC in action at 1 hr 15 and 1 hr 20 minutes in to the footage of the start and the row along the Thames
You can see the two HRRC at The Finish at 29 minutes and 43 minutes into the footage.
Friday 3 and Saturday 4 September: Swanwick, Bursledon and Warsash Regatta
Friday afternoon saw us moving the gigs from the moorings to The Elephant Boatyard ready for the Boatyard Sheave Race on the Saturday afternoon. There were several club members at the Regatta Party at the Warsash Sailing Club on the Friday night! The Boatyard Sheave Race was fiercely contested on a different course to previous years finishing at Warsash. Post raec drinks were enjoyed at the Warsash sailing Club- congratulations to Tudor for being overall winners!
August Bank Holiday Weekend
On the Friday evening we joined other local clubs at Tudor Sailing Club for their last Friendly Friday row of the season. Another enjoyable evening, good rowing, good food and a chance to catch up with friends from other local clubs. On Saturday, we hosted Tudor Rowing Club for a Bank Holiday Row to the Horse and Jockey,, and drinks in the Jolly afterwards. On Sunday, we had our usual Just Row and Social Rowing sessions. On the Monday, another gig headed back to the Horse and Jockey for lunch- a busy weekend of rowing for the club!
21 August: Hill Head
This long awaited for row, went ahead! The tides were perfect for this weekend, we just needed the right weather conditions to be safe. We were lucky that the forecast improved as the day got nearer. We had a speedy row to Hill Head with the tide. the row back was harder, against the tide (until we approached the Hamble), the wind strength had also increased. The gig handled the heavier seas well, and we all enjoyed the challenge of rowing in the open water. A very satisfying fourteen mile round trip, that was good practice for the Great River Race on 10 September.
August 2022
As always there has been a lot going on, with our regular rowing on Tuesdays and Sundays, and plenty of mid week rowing being arranged too.
We've had a club BBQ, and were grateful that the weather was on our side. Thanks to Margi and Paul for hosting us all.
Two gigs participated in the inaugural Tudor Challenge and completed the ten mile course around Langstone Harbour in the middle of the recent heatwave. The event was well organised and was good practice for the Great River Race on 10 September. Thank you to Alan and Graham for towing and to Alan for his shore support.
We have gig cleaning in the week beginning 22 August, hosting Tudor Rowing Club on 27 August. The Regatta on 3 September, and then the Great River Race on 10 September. So plenty of events to look forward to!
31 July: Round Hayling Island Rowing Race
Strong winds meant that we had a Round the Mulberry Harbour Row instead. This was a challenging row against force 4-force 5 winds to the Mulberry. We surfed back making it an exhilarating row! The Bursledon Gigs handled the conditions well, with one placed 3rd. A good result in a field of Solent Galleys, Cornish Pilot gigs and coastal rowing boats.
30 July: Itchenor Row
Two gigs headed to Itchenor for a row in Chichester Harbour. We launched at the slipway at West Itchenor and headed out towards East Head. The tide was running very strongly, meaning that we didn't quite get to East Head. We paused for cake and coffee in the boats, before heading to Bosham for lunch. The row to Bosham was wind assisted and tide assisted, so much easier. After lunch and an ice cream, we rowed back to the slip at Itchenor. A great day out, and its always fun to row in other locations. Thanks to Graham for towing.
16 and 17 July Fareham Regatta
This has become an annual event for our club, with two ladies teams able to enter. Hopefully there will be space in the programme for us to enter a mens team next year. The ladies navy team were placed 5th, the blue team were in 3rd place. Glenna was rowing in the red team- so an interesting race, when it was the red team against our navy team! Both days were hot, but ice creams and liquid refreshments were available.
3 July Mercury Creek
A very enjoyable row down river to Mercury Creek, with a picnic in Paul's garden. A quick dash back to leave the creek before the tide dropped too much!
24 June 'Friendly Friday' Rowing at Tudor Sailing Club
Jenny's account of our recent trip to Tudor!
Tudor Rowing Club kindly invited us over to row with them on their 'Friendly Friday Row' at their club on Langstone Harbour. I spotted this event on the HRR website back in April and imagined a calm, midsummer row around the harbour, in glorious sunshine with a balmy breeze. So it had to be done! The reality was different.... There were to be 3 in a boat and it was a race...!
There was a stiff Southerly wind and rain forecast for 8pm. Tudor mixed HRR up with their rowers and thankfully Tudor were coxing, I was paired to row with Paul B from HRRC. I psyched myself up to row hard, feeling slightly wobbly as I waded down the long slipway. We had to row around the red buoy... what red buoy? It was a long way and a challenging row into the wind. We flew back - I actually found it quite exhilarating.
It was a close run thing with Navigator; but we came a creditable fourth...and we did beat the dredger! Elizabeth (HRR) and Richard (Tudor) were first overall with a very good time. Tudor were excellent, friendly hosts, serving us delicious food afterwards. A jacket potato was never more welcome! An enjoyable evening for all. Many thanks to Tudor and everyone involved.

Beaulieu: Saturday 18 June
After a week of glorious sunshine, Saturday was not quite so bright! Two gigs set off to row up the Beaulieu River from Gins Farm. After a coffee at the Yacht Club, the tide had come in enough to allow us to launch. We had a good row up the river, with the tide assisting. Once we were at Beaulieu, we tied up and had a picnic, and some of us went in search of coffee and ice cream. The wind built up in the afternoon, we had a quick row back to Gins Farm with both the wind and tide. As we reached the more exposed parts of the river, the strength of the wind was more noticeable. Nothing that the boats can't handle. Another good day out with Hamble River Rowing! Thank you to Bryan and Paul who towed our boats.
Platinum Jubilee and Botley Night Row
A couple of boats headed upriver for a picnic to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee, we toasted the Queen, ate cake and relaxed on a somewhat overcast afternoon. We had just tied up when the heavens opened!
We took advantage of the right tides to head up to Botley for our traditional night row and meal. No curry this year, but The Dolphin pub made us feel very welcome and served up a delicious meal. The row back is always fun in the dark, navigating the twists and turns of the stretch of the river near Botley. What is very familiar to us in the daytime, can look very different at night!
22 May 2022: The Cockleshell Challenge
Conditions were very favorable for the return of the Cockleshell Challenge. An event organised by Eastney Cruising Association (ECA).
The event is held in honour of the Cockleshell Heroes and the race is through the waters in which they trained. The Cockleshell Heroes were the ten Royal Marines who took part in Operation FRANKTON in December 1942. They launched their canoes from submarines at the mouth of the Gironde River in France. Over the next three days, some of them evaded German forces and made it about 50 miles upriver to Bordeaux where they laid their mines and damaged six ships. Of the ten Royal Marines who departed, two returned.
Money raised from the event goes to the Royal Marines Charity
ECA’s Cockleshell Challenge is unlike many gig races. It is held in open water. Crews must deal with wind, swell and tide while coxes even have to do a little navigation.
14 May 2022: Hamble River Raid
Four gigs from the rowing club took part in the Hamble River Raid. A four mile 'sprint' from Hamble to the Jolly Sailor and back to Hamble. This is a popular event with a range of rowing boats taking part including our Bursledon Gigs, Pilot Gigs, and Solent Galleys. This year saw the biggest fleet of Bursledon Gigs taking part, some for fun and others racing for victory. As ever, the sun shone on Raid day. It was an opportunity to meet up with old friends and make some new friends.
23 April 2022: Five Miles From Home
Two crews took part in the Five Miles from home Challenge.
We enjoyed being part of an International event without having to leave the river. There were over 800 participants who joined the event from England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Germany, Spain, The Netherlands, Australia, South Africa, Canada and The USA!
Conditions were not ideal on the Hamble, we surfed down to Warsash and battled the strong wind and some tide on the way back. Post race refreshments were enjoyed at the Jolly Sailor afterwards.
Next we are looking forward to the return of the Hamble River Raid on 14 May 2022.
9 April 2022: Litter Pick
Thank you to all those who joined the Litter Pick, we headed up river to see what we could find. Sadly, we collected around 10 black sacks of litter- fishing line, welly boots, barbecues, cans and the list goes on. Thank you to Fareham Borough Council who provided the equipment and collected the sacks of rubbish. We will do another litter pick later in the year. A few photos from the day.
April 2022
We held our AGM on 29 March, minutes will be sent out via email to all club members. There are no changes to the committee, thank you to all those who have agreed to continue in their roles. At the AGM it was agreed that the membership fees will revert to pre pandemic rates, £70 for individuals and £120 for family membership. Emails have been sent out to all members with details of how to renew your membership of the rowing club. Please renew by 30 April 2022.
We are planning on running a coxes course this year, it will be a combination of theory and practice on the water. Let Margi know if you are interested!
Learning to row a Spanish Traineras! Thanks Di for writing up about the experience.
Last Saturday (March 26th) a dozen members of the rowing club were able to take up the invitation from Mike Gilbert of the Coastal Rowing Academy to join the ceremony to welcome the Spanish traineras coastal rowing boat “Pilgrim”. The traineras is a 13 oared rowing boat which were originally used as fishing boats that operated from the coastal towns of Spain. We learnt how they were used to chase the shoals of sardines. This meant that they had not only to be fast enough to catch up with the fish but once the net was deployed, they needed to have the speed to encircle them and then with a filled net, race back to be the first boat to land to get the best price. The rowing style as explained was different from the one used by our gigs. Rowers start from the upright position and keeping straight arms lean right back to pull. Feet are supported on wooden stretchers at seat height. The oars are held on single tholes by a plaited circlet. Quite challenging.
The event was a day to remember. Early arrivals were able to look over the boat and marvel at its size while tasty snacks were being set out. Soon we were sipping Rioja and enjoying chorizo and olives, manchego and tomatoes on crusty slices. Rowers were having photos taken standing by the boat with the Spanish representative Raphael holding one of the long oars.
The official moment was a brief ceremony with Chepe who was one of the Spaniards with the boat providing the history of the boats. He went on to tell how they went from working to competition boats which challenge each other in Regattas held round the coast that are overseen by the organisation Navigatio of which he is a representative. Pilgrim built 30 years ago, had won many of these races, most importantly La Concha San Sebastian in 1995. In her welcome speech the mayor of Havant Cllr Rosy Raines looked forward to the continuing partnership and friendship that had been formed between Havant and the Spanish.
The Shall’ee Shanties then entertained us with rousing sea shanties and heartfelt folk tales.
Then it was time to try the boat. Willing hands carried the boat down to water. Oars were threaded into the braided circlets and the first rowers set off with the Mayor a cheerful passenger. There was time for four crews to experience rowing a traineras. After some random oar work all crews soon settled down and were cheered as the boat showed her speed against wind and tide.
Some photos from our day at the Coastal Rowing Academy
Thank you to Pat for her report on the Random Regatta held on 19 March 2022
It was a blast!
Battling strong winds, ten members of HRRC took part in a challenging Random Regatta at the Coastal Rowing Club, Northney Marina on Hayling Island. We found out what ‘random’ meant when we arrived as there were around eighteen boats lined up along the shore including Bursledon Gigs, Solent Galleys, Celtic Longboats, St Ayles Skiffs, pilot gigs and sliding seat coastal quads. The idea was to take it in turns to race/row the different gigs, but the increasing wind and adverse sea conditions forced the organisers to eventually shorten the course and to only use the Pilot gigs. Hamble River Rowers gave valiant performances in all their races, and Anthony was an excellent cox in the Bursledon gig. The Bursledon gig performed well in the conditions and was much admired by the other clubs attending. It was a well organised event in a beautiful setting and we were even blessed with blazing sunshine.
February 2022
It’s been a while since we have updated this page. We had a very successful Christmas Meal at the Jolly in December- thank you to Jo for organising and to the Jolly for accommodating such a large group. We managed to row several times over Christmas and the New Year. Christmas Eve was wet and windy, and the Boxing Day row was the opposite- the conditions were perfect, and as we headed back we were treated to a fabulous sunset.
We continue to arrange rows outside of our club rowing times- we had an impromptu trip up river to Botley one lunchtime.
This year, Tuesday evening rowing has continued through the Winter. There is something very special about rowing at night when the river is so still and quiet.
We have also introduced a ‘Just Row’ session on a Sunday morning. These are designed to be a quick row, we are out for an hour and back ready for the 10 o’clock row.
Hollie and her Atlantic Crew ‘In our Element’ have begun training in earnest for the Talisker Whisky Challenge. A few weeks ago they swapped their gym session for a session on the water in our gigs. You can follow their progress on their facebook page or their website
As the new rowing season approaches we are making plans for rows to Beaulieu and Chichester, along with taking part in usual events such as the Hamble River Raid, Fareham Regatta, Cockleshell Challenge and hopefully the Round Hayling Island Race. Details for all of these as we have them will be put on our social events page on the website.
Remembrance Sunday Row
November 2021
We had planned to row down to the mouth of the river to see the demolition of Fawley Chimney but poor weather (strong winds and rain) meant we couldn't do this. One crew did set off, rowing into the strong wind and nearly made it to the Pink Ferry, it was a much quicker row back to the Jolly! We all met later at Jenny's cafe in Hamble for bacon rolls. Last Sunday, we took advantage of the good tide and rowed to Botley for coffee and breakfast/cake. The egret has been repaired and is now back on her mooring and live on the booking system for members to use. Looking forward to our club Christmas meal in December! Club rowing times are currently being shown on our home page.
October 2021
On 10 October, Christchurch Rowing Club joined us for our Sunday club row. A write up and photos of the day can be found on their Facebook page:
Dates for Fareham Regatta, Round Hayling Race and Ocean to City have been released. They have been added to the Social Events page.
September 2021
Welcome to all our new members. Nine people have joined during the season so far. This year’s Regatta was a return to the roots of the regatta, with the focus being on dinghy racing, yacht racing and gig racing. Jim organised a very successful gig race. Thank you to Jim, the club volunteers and other volunteers who supported Jim in the running of this event. Tudor Rowing Club brought five gigs and lots of enthusiasm (and a few prize winning crews)! The afternoon was a great success.
Photos from the Bursledon Gig Race at this years regatta can be found here
Hollie is going to row the Atlantic!
Hollie has been planning to take part in the Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge for some time. This has become a reality for her and her crew. She will be setting off from La Gomera in December 2022. The official launch of their campaign will be at the Southampton Boat Show. If anyone is at the boat show on 15 September, make sure you visit the Premier Marina stand at 11am for the official launch and to find out more. The team website is in the finishing stages but available for us to see Exciting times for Hollie and her team! I’m sure we will support her in any way that we can. Our club logo will be on her boat and crossing the Atlantic too!
Fareham Regatta
Fareham Sailing and Motorboat Club welcomed our club to their Regatta again. Well done to the ladies crews who came first and second. Thank you to all those who came along, and a big thank you to our coxes.
September club rowing times:
Sunday 5 September: 10am
Tuesday 7 September: no row
Sunday 12 September: 3pm row
Tuesday 14 September: 6pm row
Sunday 19 September: 10am row
Tuesday 21 September: no row
Sunday 26 September: 3pm row
Tuesday 28 September: 6pm row
Sunday 3 October: 10am row
August 2021
Tuesday evening and Sunday rowing has started, we are rowing with fully crewed gigs, but with some covid measures still in place.
We took three gigs to Christchurch and were made to feel very welcome by Christchurch Rowing Club. The seal was possibly the highlight of the day!
Three gigs are off to Itchenor on 21 August. The club will be taking part in the gig race at Bursledon Regatta on 28 August. Hopefully we will send some crews to the Fareham regatta on the 4/5 September. We need to defend the trophy we won in 2019!
July 2021
We are very pleased to welcome some new members to the rowing club.The boat booking system is still in use, tides have been favourable in the last few weeks to have a few evening rows and a pint in the Jolly afterwards (in line with the pub's protocols)- it almost feels like normal! Hopefully with the predicted easing of restrictions from 19 July we can then start up our more informal club sessions, as well as continue with arranging rows throughout the week. We are planning an expedition row to Christchurch on 24th July.
May 2021
Dates for some of our events can be found on the Social Events page of our website. We are hoping to take part in local regattas and go further afield with expeditions to Christchurch and Itchenor planned.
We are looking forward to when regular club rowing on Tuesday evenings and Sundays starts up again, but in the mean time there has been plenty of rowing going on with over 60 boat bookings made since 29 March. These boat bookings have included a socially distanced picnic, a row to Warsash for chips and rows to Hamble for coffee and cake.
Two crews also took part in the first leg of the 5 miles from home time trial on 9 May. It was a stiff row downriver and an easier row back up the river with the wind coming from behind! More information here:
Hopefully we will have entries again for the next leg in June.
The upstream mooring lines have been replaced and are working well. The plan is to renew the mooring lines downstream too so that they are easier to use as well.
April 2021
The booking system is up and running. There are an increasing number of members making use of the system. We are finding that although there are a lot of things to remember now when preparing the gig for rowing and after a row, it is not as complicated as the protocols sound. Please ask if you are not sure of anything regarding the cleaning and operating procedures. It’s so good to be back out on the river again!
28 March 2021
Just to confirm, we are ready to row again from 29th March. This will be following covid secure protocols. In order to meet these protocols, members who have renewed their membership are only able to row at the moment. There are three gigs currently available for booking. With two more due to be launched in the near future. We are in the process of renewing the upstream mooring lines to make the upstream mooring easier to use.
March 2021
We are hoping to start rowing again from 29th March- this date will be confirmed as it is based on the current roadmap for easing lockdown measures.
Details of how to renew your membership have been sent out via email. We are hoping to have our traditional row to Botley for curry in July, and Margi is busy planning other rowing expeditions for the Summer- these will be for July onwards when we are hoping that lockdown will have eased to allow more social rowing to take place.
There is no Ocean to City this year, but in its place is a virtual event that may appeal to some rowers in the club. Castle to Crane in Scotland, Ocean to City in Ireland and Welsh Sea Rowing in Wales have joined up to bring a unique, international, time trial series this summer: the Five Miles From Home Series 2021.
Rather than asking us to travel, we can take part in this international challenge by joining the races from the Hamble. You need to form a crew, plot a course, cover the 5 miles (8047meters / 4.345nm) as fast or as stylishly as you can during the designated time windows, submit your times and see how you get on compared to the other competitors.
7-9 May Castle to Crane leg (Scotland)
4-6 June Ocean to City leg (Ireland)
9-11 July Welsh Sea Rowing leg (Wales)
More information is available
February 2021
Lovely to see so many familiar faces at the Zoom AGM. We confirmed that we are aiming to re start rowing from March 29th 2021. Information on how to renew membership will be sent out soon. Those of you who did manage to get a row in before lockdown will have noticed that Gigi has a smart new cover, we are planning on putting covers on Grace, Rowsie and the Egret this season.
January 2021
The club AGM will be held via Zoom on Tuesday 23 February. Time TBC. Details will be emailed out nearer the time.
December 2020
Rowing will be resuming again with Covid secure protocols in place. The booking system opens on the website on Wednesday 9th December. We have three gigs cleaned and ready to go at the Jolly Sailor. Two more are being antifouled and due to be launched in the next few weeks.
The booking system can be found in the Members Only part of the website.
November 2020
Sadly COVID-19 has put paid to many of our plans this year.
However, plans are being made for a return to rowing once lockdown 2.0 ends. We will be able to row subject to following Covid secure protocols. More details to follow by email.
Events 2019
Christmas Supper Tuesday 3rd December at the Jolly Sailor
Keyhaven trip 21 September
We took 3 boats to Keyhaven and rowed out to the spit for a picnic lunch and a swim. We then rowed to Hurst Castle and some of us visited the historical exhibition, others walked around outside the castle. Fantastic views of the Solent from the ramparts. We returned to Keyhaven and loaded up the boats, followed by a drink at The Gun, before returning to Bursledon. Many thanks to those that helped by loading up and towing the boats.
14 September
Great River Race from London Docklands to Ham, Surrey
4 boats from Hamble River Rowing made the trip to London for the Great River Race on the Thames. A fantastic event with over 300 boats of various shapes and sizes rowing the 21.6 mile course on a perfect day. Thanks to the shore crews who helped to make it happen, and took the photos!
8 September - River Hamble Treasure Hunt
A fun day out exploring Hamble and Warsash, a scavenger hunt and riddle solving.
24 August
Bursledon, Swanwick and Warsash Regatta at the Elephant Boatyard
Theme 'Space Oddities' celebrating 50 years since the first moon landing.
There were a record number of entries for the gig race, including teams from Tudor Rowing Club and Hamble Sea Scouts
Itchenor & Chichester Harbour 10 August
Cancelled due to gales
Beaulieu 20 July 2019
3 boats rowed up the Beaulieu River from the Royal Southampton Yacht Club at Gins to have a picnic on the green outside Beaulieu Palace. It was a fine day so there was an obligatory ice cream stop at Buckler's Hard on the return journey.
How to Row an Ocean 6 July 2019
A great talk by Susan Ronaldson of Team Status Row that inspired some folk to consider rowing the Atlantic.
Lee -On -Solent to Wootton Creek 22 June
In company with the Langstone Cutters with 2 Galleys and Gladys, a Claydon Skiff, we rowed from Lee-on-Solent to Wootton Creek for a picnic, before making the return crossing. The tides were quite strong so whilst we rowed in a big arc both ways, the crossing was straightforward and we were glad to be in the company of some bigger boats. The picnic spot on a lovely grassy foreshore was idyllic!
The Ladies Team - Winners at Fareham Regatta!
Well done ladies for struggling through the traffic when the M27 was closed and winning the ladies' races on Saturday and Sunday. Medals were awarded and Fareham Sailing and Motor Boat Club were welcoming as ever.
Curry Row on 11th June
6 boats plus the Hamble Boys in Giggler made it up the river to Botley - with a bit of involuntary tree pruning along the way. The weather was kind after an initial downpour as we were leaving the Jolly Sailor. The food at the Purbani was excellent and we even squeezed in a drink at the pub. Making our way in back in the twilight was good fun and everyone arrived back safely.
Netley Regatta on Saturday 1st June
We took 2 boats along to the regatta on what turned out to be the warmest day of the year so far. There were 4 races - one quarter mile sprint, two 1 mile dashes and a 4 mile race. Both boats entered all 4 races with the blue boat - aka the 'SuperBlues' - taking honours in the first 3. The last race - a 1 mile was a lively and hard-fought contest with the Scout Leaders narrowly taking the win.
It was an excellent day out, and a big thank you to everyone who turned up, both to row and to spectate - with a special thank you to Mark and Ali for inviting us all round for cake and refreshments afterwards.
Hamble River Raid on Saturday 18 May
Our victorious teams:
Oarsome- Winners of the Rose Bowl- again!
The Solent Galley- 1st Solent Galley and winners of the Methuselah Scull.
And those who gave it the beans and refused to be overtaken- the Gulls and Buoys!
Our first expedition of 2019
Portchester Castle on 6th May
Two boats set off from Hardway slipway at 11.15 and rowed to Wicor Marine for a coffee at Salt Cafe, then rowed along the shoreline to Portchester Castle for a picnic lunch, returning to Hardway at 15.30 before the tide retreated.
Good Friday Easter Egg Hunt with the Langstone Cutters
Four gigs and the galley rowed upriver with 2 crews from the Langstone Cutters.
We had a picnic and an Easter egg hunt in the bluebell woods.
2019 dates for your diary
May 4th |
HRR Open Day |
May 18th |
Hamble River Raid |
June 1st |
Cork – Ocean to City |
June 1st |
Round Osea Island |
June 1st |
Netley Regatta |
June 8/9th |
Cockleshell ChallengeEastney Cruising Association7.2 mile race on Sunday |
June 11th |
Curry row to Botley |
June 15th/16th |
Fareham Regatta |
June 16th |
Round Hayling Race13 nautical miles |
*June 22nd |
Lee-on-Solent to Wootton Creek, Isle of Wight |
*July 20th |
Beaulieu River |
*August 10th |
Itchenor and East Head, Chichester Harbour |
August 24th |
Bursledon Regatta |
September 8th |
Treasure Hunt |
September 14th |
Great River Race, London21.6 nautical miles |
September 21st |
Keyhaven and Hurst Castle |
Dates marked * are expeditions to different locations and are subject to weather conditions. They have limited numbers of places, as boats have to be towed to the launch locations. Booking contacts will be announced 2-3 weeks before the event.
November 2018
Ladies of the club created 108 poppies which were used in the
Remembrance Day display at Lowford Community Centre
Past events in 2018
Hamble River Raid
19th May 2018
Our annual event in aid of the local Sea Scouts- a friendly, but competitive, race on the River Hamble.
Saturday 2 June 2018
Trip to Ashlett Creek
3 boats left the Jolly Sailor at 1100 and punched the tide to the mouth of the river, where we had a stop for coffee and doughnuts on CarolAnn. When the tide slackened a little, we left at 1245 for the crossing to Ashlett, which was sunny and uneventful, but the head wind made it a bit choppy. We arrived at 1400, at high tide and had a picnic lunch on the grass with drinks from the pub- another Jolly Sailor. Leaving at 1500, we had a following wind and, surfing down the waves, we made good speed arriving back at our Jolly Sailor at 1615, before the spring tide started to ebb.
Saturday 16 June
Hamble River Games
The Oarsome team had a windy row from Hamble up the river to the Country Park pontoon and back.
Sunday 17 June
Round Hayling Island Race -13 miles- reduced to 10 miles of hard rowing in Chichester Harbour because of rough conditions.
Saturday 8th September 2018
The Great River Race- London's River Marathon- 21.6 miles
This year there were 7 Bursledon gigs from the Hamble River in the Great River Race; 3 from the Sea Scouts, 1 from the Elephant Boatyard and 3 boats from Hamble River Rowing. The Elephant boys came 4th overall in a race with over 300 rowing boats of varying size and shape from Dragon boats to St Ayles skiffs.
Our three crews successfully completed the course, each boat with a passenger as required by the Company of Watermen and Lightermen of the River Thames :
The Jolly Sailors
The Rowing Chicks
The Red Rosies
Sunday 7th October
Row to the Horse and Jockey for Brunch
A beautiful autumn morning to be on the river!